News about January 29, 2010 event for Special Olympics.
To the Fabulous Ladies of our Community,

It never ceases to amaze us what can happen when the
Amazing Women of our community get together. With every Dinner and a Cause Party we have, we are more and more blown away by the support and generosity you all show to us and our “Causes”.
Thanks to you, we were 102 in attendance, and raised $7910 for the Special Olympics. There were several women that were not able to attend, but promised to send checks, so the number will surely rise. (checks made to SOVI, and mailed to: P. O. Box 3712 – Kings Hill, St. Croix 00851) and keep an eye on this website for the final grand total. Hurray for each and every one of YOU!
Thanks to your generosity we have raised $97,596 and an abundance of awareness for the many charities that help make our community a much better place to live. It is hard not to feel warm and happy inside when you see the smile on a face of a person that you have helped.

We would like to extend a huge
THANK YOU to Jane Brown and Andy Smith for sharing their gorgeous home with us. The setting was just over the top and we can’t thank you enough for all you did to make this event the raging success it was.
Delicious dishes were donated to us, and we would like to once again thank Kevin at Roberts American Grille (714-3663), Karrl at Wikked (775-8592), and to Zack and Kristy from the East End Café (715-1442). We would also like to thank Patty at S&P Seafood (774-5280) for their kind contribution. Please help us in supporting these businesses that generously continue to support us.
Paul McDonnell from Premier Wine and Spirits was kind enough to donate two cases of wine for our event. A big thank you to Kelly O’Brien for the lovely and moving power point presentation. Also Thanks to the ladies at East End Flower Shop for the beautiful large vases on the tables.

We also would like to
thank everyone that brought a dish for the party. Not to mention a big Yahoo for the help from the “clean up crew”. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate your support. It really means a lot to us.
Thanks to Evelyn, our bartender extraordinaire! We SOOO appreciate your continued support in that area. That is for sure!!!!
The Special Olympics is such a wonderful event for our neighbors with disabilities. It gives them a chance to really shine, enjoy and be part of the community and genuinely have a great time. I hope everyone will try to attend and root these Special Olympians on to victory. Having volunteered for the last 4 years, I can promise you, you will get just as much out of it as our special athletes do. You don’t have to volunteer, you can just go and cheer! It means the world to these kids that don’t have a lot in the world.
Janice Lee is the President of the Special Olympics Virgin Islands. She has asked that I extend a Gigantic Thank You to everyone that attended the party, those that helped and for those that could not attend but sent donations in anyway. If you would like a letter from her for tax purposes she asks that you contact her at If you are interested in volunteering or helping with any aspect of the Special Olympics in St. Thomas/St. John, please contact Jane Brown at
Several of you have asked that I send a reminder out prior to the event. I will send a note through our Dinner and a Cause website one week prior to the event, which is Saturday March 27, Please mark your calendars right now.

Most of all we thank all of you. Without you, Dinner and a Cause would not exist and could not continue helping our less fortunate neighbors. We are so proud of you and the help you extend to our community.

If anyone has a suggestion for a cause that is near and dear to your heart, please let us know. We will be glad to consider having a dinner and a cause for your favorite “Cause”. Also, just let us know if anyone has a home or a restaurant that you think would be a nice venue to hold one of our events.

A Big, Sincere Thanks to you all!

Suzanne, Pam, Eula and Terry, Your Dinner and a Cause Team.
Please e-mail us: