News about October 23, 2009 event for My Brother's Workshop.
What a fabulous time we had at our recent Dinner and a Cause Party for My Brother’s Workshop. How can we thank you for such a wonderful and successful event? The entire evening was perfect!

Thanks to your generosity we were
60 in attendance and we raised $4140. at the event with checks still coming in.
It was a spectacular party and we want to thank Cathy and Jay Silva for opening their beautiful home to us. It was such a lovely setting. We especially want to thank Jay, our valet parker, for doing such a great job with the cars.

We also want to thank
Kirsty and Ryan Lleuellyn, Owners and Chef of Thirteen Restaurant (774-6800), for the delicious seafood dishes they donated to our cause.

A huge thanks goes to
Merchant’s Market for their generous donations! We are so fortunate to have such great support from our community.
To everyone that brought a dish to make our fundraiser such a roaring success, we can’t thank you enough for sharing your culinary expertise with us and all of our guests.

Evelyn was our bartender extraordinaire, and we thank her so much, as always, for her wonderful help.

Also a big thank you to
everyone that helped us clean up after the party! You are the best!
After speaking with Scott Bradley, we have a couple of things we would like to share with you.

Hire Scott and his apprentices: The young men of My Brother’s Workshop are getting great training for life skills as well as professional skills. When they go to a jobsite, they are accompanied by a professional that helps and oversees their work. If anyone has any jobs they would like to have done, My Brother’s Workshop is available. You can reach them through Scott Bradley, 514-8303. They have done jobs for private clients as well as for many of the other non-profit organizations, such as the Bethlehem House Homeless Shelter. Their work is professionally done at a very reasonable fee.

Donate tools: We would also like to do a tool drive for My Brother’s Workshop. The goal is to have tools and a tool belt for each young man that participates in the program. It would be theirs to keep and start their working careers. Any tools that you can donate will be refurbished and used.

Donate usable items to be used or sold: Anything you have that you would like to donate will be used. There is so much need in this community, nothing will go to waste. Used appliances, tools, furniture, Garden tools (old weed wackers etc.), building supplies (wood, nails, screws etc etc), anything you can think of that is useful. Scott, his fellow mentors and young men can repair any items and use them, supply items to people in need as well as sell them to raise funds for their program.
If you would like to make any donations to Scott and My Brother’s Workshop, please call Scott at 514-8303. Marriott Cove Construction group, has donated a truck to MBW, so they can pick things up. All donations are tax deductible.

As always, we want to thank each and every one of you for attending our party and for your continued support. We have said this before,
Dinner and a Cause would not exist without your support. We are so thankful to be able to help the less fortunate people of our community, and we thank you for helping us achieve this goal.
We wish you all the best and will be looking forward to seeing you at our next Dinner and a Cause Event. We are eternally grateful to Dan McQuaid, our wonderful webmaster. He takes care of our website and donates his time and energy to make it as gorgeous and informative as it is.
Thanks again!
Pam, Eula, Terry and Suzanne, you Dinner and a Cause Team.

If there is anyone that would like to be taken off our Evite invitation list, please let us know.
Please e-mail us: