January 27, 2017 event for Healthcare for the Homeless.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Thanks to your attendance, we have had one of our most fun Dinner and a Cause gatherings ever for
Healthcare for the Homeless. Our final tally for this fabulous event was $8180. with additional donations still going directly to the Community Foundation. Also, thanks to you, We have gone over the $300,000 milestone!! Not bad at all for a “Girls Night Out”!!!
 We would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Dr. Erole Hobdy for so generously opening her beautiful home to all of us for this very fun event. Another BIG thank you to Dr. Hobdy for arranging the wonderful music. The fabulous Charlotte Amalie High School Jazz Band are all students at Charlotte Amalie High School, though you would think they were professionals! They did such a beautiful job.
 A HUGE thank you to Bellows International for their donation of all the delicious Wine choices, and a thank you to Wendy Erving for serving it so nicely! Also, special thanks to Jonetta Dardin for always being there for us and helping. To Diane Taylor for delicious food and all her help in organizing and setting up along with her college roommate Liz Kutter who was visiting and joined to help us.
We all know, in our community, that the needs are great for our less fortunate neighbors and fellow citizens. With government cut backs and a difficult economy, life can be very hard for these families and individuals that are struggling to get on a stronger footing. We are only as strong as our weakest link, and our community as a whole needs to feel that they are supported. This is what Dinner and a Cause is all about. It is very important to us to support people like Dr. Rosenberg and the other doctors and staff at Healthcare for the Homeless, who selflessly volunteer their time and money to care for the most vulnerable among us.
It is you, each and every one of you, that has made Dinner and a Cause the success that it is and provided the support that we have given to the many charities we have helped over the years. We are so proud to be organizers of this wonderful organization, and especially thankful and proud of you all for your contributions and support. Every donation is very important and appreciated. We would like to extend a special thank you to those of you who have consistently attended and donated over the years—your familiar and smiling faces at our events warms our hearts. And to those able who have made larger donations, your generous donations are very much appreciated.
Again, we thank you so much for your support and we hope
you will continue to join us and enjoy the camaraderie and the
great feeling, knowing you are helping a person or a family in need.

Your Dinner and a Cause Team,
Suzanne, Joannie, Eula, Letty and Pam
Please e-mail us: pamela@dinnerandacause.org